Sunday, August 15, 2010


I'm not sure if you have noticed or not but lately it has been on the warm side. Today was 104 degrees according to my local bank. And that wasn't even counting the heat index. It is hard to breath at this point. So I have been spending my time in the AC editing pictures. Here are a couple of my favorites. Hope you enjoy :)
my friend Anna's wedding dress

Saturday, August 14, 2010

the beginning...

So where to begin? At the beginning of course! 
My name is Janae. I am a 22 year old small town country girl who has a taste for the finer things in life. I am a nurse at a small rural clinic and love it! I have a crazy sense of humor, love photography, travel, going to lunch, reading, my community, sushi, technology, planning things, crafting, my iPhone, babies, my family, being organized, animals, and oh so much more.

My husband Zack is the love of my life. We have been married since November '09 but together since April '03. He is a 25 year old straight-up corn-fed country boy (with a touch of metro-sexual thrown in for fun). He became a full time student this week and is going to get his degree in Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) and make lots of money so I can be a stay at home mom (in my dreams).

We have 3 (fur) kids, Cooper the 3 year old chocolate lab, Gabby the 2 year old Westie, and Ginger the 2 1/2 year old Tabby cat. For the time being they are the center of our world. 

We are in the process of moving back to my hometown (aka the aforementioned small town) and selling the first house we bought. It is bitter sweet to leave all the memories and homeliness behind that we have worked so hard to build together. But we know we will always have those memories with or without the house they took place in. We are making the move to be closer to my crazy family and start a life for our little ever expanding brood. We are going from 1700 square feet to less then 800 so wish us luck. That is the price you pay to break into the lucrative housing market in good ole Small Town, USA. I would give all the square feet in the world for that sense of community, Friday night football games, and 25+ family members packing in your house for Thanksgiving. All in all, buckle up because it is going to be a bumpy flight...